Wednesday, February 17, 2010


sometimes you have to give up on what you love
because of the totalitarian who thinks they're right
and would plunder all for their point of view
instead of being the one who relaxes their will
for second to understand the total good
actually, we are all guilty as hell of this
and the chambers of the revolver
and the revolver rests against the head
you got what you want Jim
I'm out of there
you may say you don't want that
to facilitate the devil
but you are no different than a CIA
supporting its Contras to keep a status-quo
Your sense of music cripples me
it can be great, but it come from a stalled mind
too bad. We probably will get through it in the end
but all magic is gone
Magic is that which makes it happen easy
struggle is there but it needs to be easy
like donning a wig that never looks natural
I'm not your minister
and you've turned out a not very good ally

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