Saturday, March 6, 2010


their last impression was not like the first
they doubled over
he couldn't hear a damned thing
the mouth is a sacred place
on a body covered by white cloth
if we were the last ones left on this planet
where would we be
all they do is talk about where they are going to eat
it hurts to be at home
icecream was thrown in with the omelette
it felt like a growing pain
I dashed from the room
if the witch is in the woods & nature is Satan
they pray for the lost souls
as if there was a linear connection
he held his tongue believing there were Christians
he believes in scientific truths not ghosts
does not matter what you feel, see or think
it must be proven true before being real
it's harder than buying the lie
when all is dragged across the same bed of coals
and disappear into a fallacy of legacy

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