Monday, June 14, 2010


"in the great expanse of darkness
that was my brow"
said the man to his wife
as she stretched out into a forever darkness
that was a night you could even hear the stars
airplanes flew by in complete silence
as the Sheriff awaited his assailant
The yard gnomes conversed in plaster thought
A drunk fell out of some bushes
This night was swimming with disasters
like shitty-assed kids throwing rocks through windows
we look onto the universe as if it were an escaped convict
closing in on the the truth about one's self
the lipstick containers mixed in with loose yarn
vines grew into a ladder over the houses
This gaslight village where the one celebrity
who didn't live there anymore
threw that annual Mayday party
people young and old tottering home
blasted from their sense of being
onto wrought iron beds

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