Sunday, November 8, 2009


out on the rolling sea like so many black aces
these hearts travel with thought of mind
that which turns itself inside out wondering
what is the right way to put right egregious wrong
afternoon and the last three they stare at me
from my high place but all is unknown
and still there are those that put their strictures on
as if these guiding principles will hold salt
these tears of Mary, a ray of light, I
put you out to sea, so little I know waking
Oh, how I love Jesus sailing his ship
the waters seem tranquil until you are near
might come with knight stick or herring
flush with pockets open, leather in the heart
the salt comes pouring out a mountain
and your steps through the brush quiet thoughts
the ever growing moment of truth it never comes
lay down my brother before the heart knows nothing
before sleeps capture its forever story
good and bad and in between always in between
like ghosts that haunt the in between statements

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