Tuesday, November 10, 2009


true evil is not your run of the mill
or possibly it is just that
that which just presses on without knowing
and then knowing and not caring
it loses sense of itself
two cats chasing each other endlessly into each other
nights pass into day again
and the opposite doesn't seem to happen
they never would mention it in a million years
for your 40th you received a vibrating corncob
the nation weeps for trained killers
it is your duty to pretend to weep with moaners
you put an endless shooting spree to death, America
and brothers attend not knowing what to expect
it's a game of cat and mouse only the mouse is giant
and terror is a favorite pass time
we live in the constant mind of an M
it is okay, all will be forgiven or left vapid
like a dime store notion of death
it is painted somewhere with the breath of life
enjoy your hotdog.

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