Sunday, November 15, 2009


you have an eye on your vanity
you have a combed mustache or your mustache is a comb
as long as they have this beautiful face
they move their arms like windmills and cannot stop
you are about to fall off a catwalk
that is the beat of beats man
in the center of the eye a spiral
the moral of this story. try it
do not be one of the crowd
pull on your mask and say "this face?"
Desmond will take you dancing in the smoky basement
you will try to eat an electric fan
& believe it will vibrate your face
that beautiful face. "this face?"
you think maybe you went to boarding school
with Freud and a dart and a derriere
yes you, the beautiful redhead
you are a trained chimpanzee who doesn't believe
we will make a believer out you
you will hang in mid-air with dress hanging down
and wake up when you are laughing

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