Friday, February 5, 2010


life sets you up for the many misery
& you take it like a soft blow
that disappears you from your tentative self
that same self that is the fire
unfreezing you from yourself
these chambers of hell are better in some ways
or most ways from that protestant sense of heaven
which no one but pussy pie eaters want to go
all mortgages cleared
ha! if that is the subterfuge you want to mess in
well, fuck yah!
we all lose in the end
the rope is cut and forever gone
life is a bowl of cherries
let 'em sit too long or just long enough
& you'll see the stain
& if you like them cherries you'll like the stain
oh what a masquerade
but at least it's yours
so call the shots
I'd like to say that's what they say

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