Sunday, March 21, 2010


proof is not the vehicle to arrive at any place
the banana arrived up from between the shadows
time is, therefore, that in which sameness is given
the banana is spotted and unpeeled
when I talk about language I must speak
the banana represents the circumcised penis
a knowledge of what is essential in our language
Mr. Peanut came walking through the woods
the question is whether I really see
he knocked the coke can out of the way with his cane
if the meaning of the word is in its use
he then began to do his dance
but something else intrudes into the investigation
I say, I can't believe this is real
we are using words "flux" and "vagueness"
then why the hell am I doing this, he says
I determine that the meaning of a word lies
he spins on one peanut foot and walks the other way
the distinction between sense and nonsense
I hear him laughing calling me an idiot
but reality is not arbitrary

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