Sunday, August 15, 2010


for 8/13/21

the hero brings the fire back
when a hero, you make a pact
a hero stands at the gate
it does not need to open for the hero
the hero wears the costume of a crow
a hero is in a night and day cycle
a hero is depressed and happy
heroes kill and are killed often
a hero thinks and is left to no thought
some heroes are the agents of chaos
you bring your hero and I'll bring mine
and we will dine with heroes
Are there any true heroes left
is often the question asked about heroes
there is also the heroic question
should I be a hero?
Some would say it is not heroic to ask that
others would say "why be a hero"
This may be the question that brings the hero down
or maybe the hero doesn't hear it
either way, they will no acknowledge being a hero

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